Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Anyone Still Checking????......

Of course I will start off with apologies (like my last posts)....and I promise I'm sincere, just outrageously busy!!! So, here's just a few pics of Rylee...and some of myself (surprise! surprise!) from the last month or so! Enjoy.

Tasha, my sis Eddeana, myslef & my sis Debbe @ Chintz's over Memorial Day weekend!!

Rylee Rhea

Rylee & her 'future husband' Trent @ Monster Jam

Trent, Reid & Rylee @ Monster Jam

Tasha & I Memorial Day weekend

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yes, We're Still Here....

Ok, so I've been terrible about blogging lately. SORRY! There has been so much going on in our life, I'm basically only able to find time for the absolute necessities!! Here is a recent picture of Rylee. She's doing great.....full of attitude, but doing great :) I promise to start updating more!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Rylee's New Bike!!!!

I finally got Rylee a 'big girl bike' (it does have training wheels). She outgrew the trike that she got on her 2nd birthday......which was almost 1 year ago....she will be 3 years old in 2 weeks!!!! I cannot believe it!!! Rylee LOVES her bike!! She's still 'learning' the brakes, but heck, so am I :) And we've been lucky enough to have great weather over the past couple days and she's been able to ride it a lot!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

We're Okay

So, even though this past month has been one of complete change.....Mz. Rylee & I are doing just fine. I'm sure you all know that Jeremy & I have decided to go our separate ways, as a couple. The most important thing to us is Rylee's stability & happiness. We are all just fine. It will be a challenging transition, but we all agree it's for the best. I can't express my appreciation for all the phone calls, e-mails and letters of support. I'm SO VERY LUCKY to have the family & friends that I do. God has truly blessed me.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Ok, here's a quick update. This past month has been busy (just like all the others)......Jeremy went on a hunting trip, Ry & I went to STL, we've got lots of snow, Ry & I went to my cousin, Daryle Ann's, basketball game (I'll post pics soon!) with my sister, Eddeana & nephew, Spencer. I came down with (& still have) strep throat, Jeremy's had (& still has) a terrible case of hives (maybe he's allergic to me -ha! ha!) & we got more snow today!!! Work has been crazy (when I've been there, that is) & Rylee has been...well, she always is....crazy!! So, stay tuned I promise to post new pics soon.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

St. Louis Trip

Last weekend, while Jeremy was in Kansas on his hunting trip, Rylee & I went to St. Louis with my Dad & Kathy to visit my sister, Debbe & my neice, Rowan. We had a blast!! While we were there, we took Rylee to Chuck E. Cheese. She loved it!!!

Rylee was in heaven.....'dog heaven' to be exact. She LOVES dogs & Deb has 3.
So she was plenty entertained.

This is Simon. He's HUGE -- the picture doesn't do him justice. And I was really surprised that Rylee wasn't scared of him.

We all had a blast & are looking foward to our next trip down there. Although, next time I think we might have to skip the whole Chuck E. Cheese thing ??!!