Sunday, June 17, 2007

Just Our Luck.....

Well, here's a couple of pictures of Rylee after a long, long night of (I will spare you the 'details') the flu. Of course, we were supposed to leave for St. Louis this afternoon at 1:00. We had planned on spending the night & then taking Rylee to the Zoo tomorrow. However.....she came down with a bug late last night and so we were forced to reschedule for next weekend:(

I'm not sure if anyone else seems to have the same 'bad luck' that we do when it comes to planning anything, but it sure does suck! It seems like everytime we plan something, something goes, I've decided to QUIT planning. Ok, well...not really, but I just wish, for once, that something I plan, could go, well, as I planned. I guess this time is out -- but I'll hope for better luck next weekend!