So, we finally did it --- we ditched the crib & upgraded to a toddler bed!!! It all started Saturday night, when I returned from St. Louis, Rylee was running a fever. She seemed to have a chest cold, she was a little wheezy & clingy. So, of course, I had to have her sleep in our bed with me. I was afraid the wheezing & shallow breathing would worsen & I wouldn't hear it if she was in her room. She wasn't much better by Sunday or Monday, so I kept her home with me on Monday.....which also meant that she was still sleeping with me. I knew this would be a hard habit to break her out of once she started to feel better. We started her on breathing treatments Monday & her fever broke later that night. I took her to the Dr. Tuesday morning & got her on antibiotics. Well, even after she began to feel better, at bedtime, she continued to plea, 'Sleep in Mommy's bed....ppllleeeaassee.' (the girl knows how to play me, that's for sure!) So, I decided today that maybe if we got her her own 'big girl bed,' she would be more interested in sleeping in that. Well, so's worked. She has yet to sleep in it, but right now she is laying in it watching a movie.......I will let you know tomorrow how the night goes!?!?!

Here she is showing 'Penguin' their new bed :)
UPDATE: It's 9:26 p.m. & Rylee is asleep in her own bed!! :)...for now.
Rylee is lucky to have such a wonderful Mommy !
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