Rylee made out like a bandit this year!! She got dolls, clothes, a rocker pony, dolls, hot wheels, camo gear, a snow cone maker, an easel & did I mention, dolls?? :) She got LOTS of dolls....which she mainly just bosses around & puts in time out :)
Jeremy & I didn't do too shabby ourselves. We mainly asked for $$ (lots of remodeling projects (to pay for & start). Jeremy is going on his annual hunting trip (they're going to Kansas this year) in a few weeks & he asked for shot gun shells, hunting gear & money for that, as well. I didn't really have an specifics this year, just $$ :)
So, as usual, the time off work went incredibly fast & I'm already back to work :( (And as you can see, I'm working really hard.....on blogging!!) Rylee was not too thrilled about going back to school today, either. After you've been home for 4 days in a row, you kinda get used to.....and spoiled by....it. Oh well, that's how the world works. Besides, I've got to start saving for yet another Christmas :)
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