Monday, February 23, 2009

This and That....

I got Rylee a set of bunk beds a couple weeks ago....and even though I knew she would LOVE them...I can hardly get her out of them!!! :)

I let her pick out a new pair of sunglasses last week @ she was making her choice..she said, 'They have to be like a rock star, Mommy. I don't want baby glasses.' And then she proceeded to tell me that she had to have some 'fancy jewelry to go with her new sunglasses!'

Here she is modeling all her 'new' I'm taking the picture she says, 'Look Mommy..even rock stars brush their teeth!!' LOL

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm Doing Better Already!!

See....I'm doing better already!! It's only been ONE WEEK in between posts!! WOO HOO!!

This is one of her 'mean mugs'!

Things are still good....Rylee definitely keeps me on my toes!! She's starting to test my patience a lot more lately.....but she's also making me laugh harder everyday!! She's always singing a new song (or at least singing her version of the lyrics), telling a new story, etc...she's very, very independent & thinks I need to be reminded of that every second of every day:)